Introduction to C for Programmers

Introduction to C for Programmers

This course has been designed to provide delegates with a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of reading and writing programs in the C programming language. (1989 ANSI standard.)
On completion of the course, delegates should be able to read and write such programs using the standard language and library.


Delegates should be programmers capable in at least one other procedural or OO language, such as Ada, Fortran, Java, or Pascal, for example.



5 days


Learning Objectives

At the end of this class, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the C memory model
  • Define and use variables, literals, and other constants.
  • Define and use aggregate data types such as arrays and structures.
  • Use control flow, by if... statements, switches, and loops.
  • Define and use functions.
  • Define and use pointers.
  • Make use of functions from the standard library.
  • Read and write code making use of dynamic memory allocation.
  • Read and write code that uses bit manipulation.
  • Read and write file handling code.
  • Understand the concepts of data and function declarations, and definitions – and know and be able to use the syntax used to express these in C code.
  • Understand some basic techniques for C program design.


Who Should Attend

Programmers who need to write or maintain C program code.

Course Content

An overview of C and C programs. Details, including: data: variables and constants; basic i/o; arithmetic and logical expressions; arrays; strings and pointers; flow control: iteration; functions; aggregate data types: structures; macros and the preprocessor; file and formatted i/o; memory and storage classes; dynamic memory management; advanced pointers; bitwise operations; advanced techniques and program design

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